Tagged : inside pets

Found 3 blog entries tagged as "inside pets".

In the United States, two-thirds of households own at least one pet, which means you are likely the caretaker of one yourself. If so, you are going to find today’s article on keeping your home clean and pet-friendly quite helpful!

While we all adore our pets and appreciate the humor, happiness, and companionship they freely offer, there’s no denying that they complicate our lives with respect to keeping a tidy home. If your pet sheds, tracks in mud, tears up toys, or knocks your fresh mug of coffee off the table, you know how challenging it can be to keep up with the messes our darling little monsters make daily.

However, once you have implemented a routine that covers all your basis without wearing you out, you’ll find it far simpler to keep

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Most pet owners count our pets as an important part of the family. Thus, it makes sense to consider their needs when purchasing or remodeling our homes. Today, we’re sharing our top 12 home must-haves for pet owners. If you want your home to be safe, fun, convenient, and durable for your furry companion, the following recommended essentials are a great place to start!

Bathing Station

Bathing your cat or dog is probably not your favorite part of pet ownership. However, by installing (or shopping for a home that includes) a dedicated pet bathing station, you can make this task much more manageable.

Typically, a pet bathing station is located in a mudroom, laundry room, or dedicated grooming room off the kitchen. Pet showers are elevated, usually

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If you’re a member of a busy household, yet long for a pet to care for, we would encourage you to consider one of the following options. Each of these is best kept inside and is as low-maintenance as a pet can be. 

Full disclosure: no pet is 100% low-maintenance. Vet bills, cost of a cage, food, and bedding, and the additional work you may have to put in to arrange pet-sitting when you’re out of town will—and should—factor into your decision to bring a pet into your home.

With that said, let’s dive right in! Browse the following fluffy, fanged, scaled, and slithering suggestions to see if one of these delightful creatures is right for you!

1.) Hamsters

Long considered the default, best choice for a busy household, hamsters are certainly

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